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Campaigns we care about: Part II.

Being part of both the healthcare and marketing communication industries, we at Praxis certainly appreciate great work when we see it. In this quarterly series (check out part l), we share the latest healthcare campaigns that captured our attention – and our hearts. From the critically acclaimed to the hidden treasures, here are the most recent ads that rose above the rest.


Although the ad was pulled due to allegations against spokesperson Chris Noth, it’d be a miss not to include this amazing response by Peloton to the And Just Like That… PR nightmare. It’s the play on pharma disclaimers at the end for us.

MG United

At Praxis, the work we do is largely inspired by patient insights and verbatim quotes sourced by our analytics team. But in the case of this myasthenia gravis docuseries by MG United, the patients’ words are the work. And it is so, so powerful.

MS Society

While multiple sclerosis is nothing to be taken lightly, the charm of this star-studded spot would make anyone want to join in on the fun. I mean, fight.

Horizon Thyroid Eye Disease

The other morning, I was sipping my coffee while watching The Office and couldn’t take my eyes off this commercial – no pun intended. Shout-out to our new friends at Horizon Therapeutics for truly capturing the discomfort of thyroid eye disease in this spot (and a whole series of others that we can’t seem to find links for).

GSK Whooping Cough

Speaking of searching for links, I actually came across this GlaxoSmithKline whooping cough vaccine campaign by way of a banner ad and finally tracked down this spot. It’s not every day you notice pink flamingo floaties in the corner of your screen.


What campaigns have you found interesting in our industry as of late? Drop us a line and let us know!